Wednesday, October 2, 2013

9/11 Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out

Definitely a "must see" and "must tell everyone about it."
I watched this documentary and it is very convincing. Years ago, after listening to others talk about what they saw on 9/11, I realized how really strange the mechanics of the destruction were. Then I began to suspect that something was very wrong with the official story. I have been following the unraveling of the official story for years and I am glad that this documentary has been released. I am gratified to see how complete it is with structural engineers, high-rise architects, fire protection engineers and others using their names and credentials to explain why the official story cannot be true. The case for criminal mischief has been made.

What I can't understand is why people don't see through this. The section in the documentary by psychologists and therapists talking about why it is such a hard story to hear and accept makes it more understandable.

This is definitely a "must see" and "must tell everyone about it!"

This DVD explains the Truth and Why is Truth Resisted
The official government story is so far fetched it is a wonder anyone believes it. Under no circumstances can a high rise building come down at free fall speed into its footprint without the use of explosives, yet the government and the media are powerful enough to convince the American masses that 19 Arabs who could barely pass flight school with box cutters brought down buildings one and two with no explanation of how building 7 came down in the official story. This DVD explains the emotional reasons for denial of facts and belief in authority that permeates and controls the American psyche. The view may be too much for the naive to handle, but well worth the time for those with the ability to rationally evaluate factual material.

Excellent Presentation
I respect the expert technical conclusions of these professionals. They bring many years of experience to the table, putting their reputations on the line to reveal the truth of 9/11.

I appreciate their contribution to help laypersons, like myself, understand the complex issues.

Thank you for your excellent presentation.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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