Friday, October 4, 2013

The Obolus

Nouveau Cinema Chiaroscuro
This is a beautiful little artsy short. The images are gorgeous. There is a lot of darkness, not quite film noir, but more reminiscent of a chiaroscuro painting brought to motion. If you don't know what noir and chiaroscuro are, no worries, you still might like it! I found it to be thought provoking, which to me, that's a good thing. I liked the soundtrack too. At the end of the day, this short is only 20 minutes long, which is about how long the commercials are these days for a typical one-hour TV program. I found it to be 20 minutes well spent... And it made me smile too! :-)

Very well produced and great story. It has a twist at the end I didn't expect. Tugs at the heart.

I was totally taken by surprise by this short but wonderful film. I had no idea what was happening until the end and that is what makes it so special; the ending :)

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