Great use of 3D best shark movie in years
Lets start with the good, interesting original concept, well written, good solid acting with familiar if not very well known actors Julian McMahon of Nip/Tuck, Fantastic Four, Phoebe Tonkin of the Secret Circle, Xavier Samual of the Twilight Series, among a few others. The use of 3D in this movie is spot on lots of things coming at you nice use of depth, even some minor but important details in the water are done very well like sea snakes coming at your or jellyfish. Good Character development combine with a movie that takes itself seriously and never winks at itself gradually builds in the excitement and scares, very entertaining. Now the bad could it have used better CGI Special FX yes but considering what the budget for this movie was you will see it rises above itself much better than some of those Saturday Night Creature Features, yes I bought the blu Ray.
It's no JAWS, but it is a fun film!
Since the SyFy channel purchased whatever special effects machine it is they use to crank out film after film, there has certainly been no shortage on bad shark film: VENICE SHARK ATTACK, TWO-HEADED SHARK ATTACK, SAND SHARK, MEGASHARK, MAGASHARK VS GIANT OCTOPUS, etc, etc... The CGI used to generate these beasts is usually cartoonish at best, but not so much so here, I think the Aussies have something magical, fun and scary in equal parts with BAIT.
While this isn't the first movie that floods the coastal cities with a tsunami, and than lets loose nature's greatest killing machines on hapless survivors, the shark(s) in BAIT provide a great combination of thrills and anxiety with their presence.
I personally found the story to be entertaining, and the characters to be believable. The idea of being trapped in a flooded shopping mall with a great white shark was entertaining enough, but the shark itself was truly impressive. It provided some genuine scares, and...
Actually decent
Going into this I thought I was going to be watching some SciFi original film. But it actually was pulled off rather well and made some sort of sense. It wasn't cheesy like I expected.
The movie was filmed for 3D, which I did not get to see it in, so some of it is CGI. The worst CGI is probably right in the beginning of the film, so don't let that sway you into shutting it off. The movie has decent gore that is not CGI, and they do use a prop shark here and there.
Overall, I liked it. I was entertained and would give it 3.5/5 stars. A point off for some slightly bad CGI, but if you've seen the recent remake of Piranha then this is a masterpiece when it comes to CGI.
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