Monday, September 23, 2013


The presentation here gets in the way
As far as I can tell, Martin Borgs was more concerned w/ piecing this brief documentary together in such a way as to be striking visually than he was w/ constructing a reasonable and succinct argument backing up his theory that we are on the verge of the bursting of a final financial bubble that will bring our current economy to permanent ruin. The ideas presented combined w/ the subjects he chose for interview could have made for a remarkable and hard hitting film but instead we are presented w/ forty-five minute documentary w/ enough visual flair for a three hour feature and only enough content for a fifteen minute evening news segment. Regardless of what your opinion on our current economic situation is, it is unlikely you will be swayed either way by Overdose.

Bernanke doesn't Get It
The movie shows a July 2005 clip of Ben Bernanke's failure to foresee the housing crisis. As of March 2013, Bernanke is pumping $85 billion per month into treasury and mortgage securities. If he couldn't see the housing crisis, why should we believe he can see the next catastrophe?

I choose this rating because I as well as millions of other US citizens lost a lot of my hard earned money because of the financial crisis. I even lost 1/3 of my grandson's college funds. You can't de-regulate banks, utilities, etc., etc. and expect things to work out. The only ones that didn't suffer from our last financial crisis were the "FAT CATS", the top executives who ran things on wall street. When they were bailed out by the government, they had no requirement/rules as to what the money was to be used for. They ended up giving themselves million dollar bonuses and did nothing for the common middle class people.

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