Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Dance Moms Reunion: Off The Dance Floor, Part 2

I Love This Show
When I first heard about this show, I had no intention of watching it. I thought it was gonna be Toddlers in Tiaras but with dance instead. And the first few episodes of the first season, seemed to be just that. But as the show progressed, and the drama built up, I was hooked. Abby is hilarious, although I feel her teaching methods are a bit extreme. She can be a bully. But the moms are funny. The kids are adorable. I feel so bad for Kendal. Her mom is a hot mess. Christy was my least favorite in the beginning of the first season, but is now my favorite. I love Holly. This show is funny. This particular episode made me absolutely despise Jill. Rules are rules. And she keeps saying she wants what's best for her daughter, but she seems to be digging her daughter's grave with Abby. Abby even says it in the next episode. The whole thing with the costume was ridiculous. Everyone else followed the rules, even though they had jobs or were busy doing other things. Christy's...

thank god for amazon
the title of my review says it all because lifetime is too damn slow to upload the episodes on thier website we had to wait a week to see the latest episode. i would go to youtube but thanks to the sopa or fifa or whatever you call it most of the uploaders are too afraid to upload these episodes without getting thier videos deleted. thank you

Way To Go Chloe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I haven't been completely into the past few episodes. But this finale was great. I am so glad that the moms teamed up and finally put Abby in her place. It is so obvious that Abby's pet is Maddie. She never congratulated Chloe for getting accepted into Joffrey's summer program. Chloe also won first place in the competition. Who's at the top of the pyramid now? But Maddie messes up and Abby is brought to tears.

When the girls auditioned for Joffrey's, The comments that the talent scouts were making to Abby's dancers might be an indication that Abby may not have prepared them as well as she believes. She always says that she is preparing them for the real world and is turning them into employable dancers, but her prized dancer didn't even get in. In fact the scouts didn't like Maddie. They said she was better suited for Broadway. This came as a huge disappointment to Maddie. Abby just shrugged it off. They was also unimpressed with Mackenzie's booty shaking...

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