Monday, September 30, 2013

Fools Gold [HD]

A lot more than a story about a pawn shop.
This is one of the best reality T.V. shows I have seen.

It shows the some of the real problem with Detroit. A lot of the people who are pawning things do so because they lost all their money at the casino and can't pay bills. They then go gamble that money away also, and come back.

It also shows a real reality of pawn shops. You don't get anywhere near the value of items. I see many people sell PS3 systems to the shop for 100-125. I see the pawn shop flip them very fast for 200+. If these guys had access to the internet, most the stuff they are pawning could be sold for far more. But they want instant cash for poor life choices, and they lose LOTS of money because of that.

Really it shows something most people already know. Pawn shops may give instant cash, but you are getting less than half the value of the items. A PS3 on ebay would go for 175+ easy. Gold sold by gold weight alone would bring in more than pawn shops will pay.

I really like...

Loading problems
The sow is great, otherwise we wouldn't have paid so much. I think it's a problem with amazon. A few episodes will work just fine and then we get errors - loading- up date flash player. Once we restart our laptop all errors are gone. It's a hassle and we did say something to amazon. In response we got " sorry we are working on the problem". At least they know about the problem.

Another great season!
I don't know what it is about "The D'" but I am hooked on American Jewelry and hardcore pawn! Watching this family is like a soap opera. They are constantly fighting but there is no denying they love each other and have each other's backs. Also they are sharks when it comes to business. I think they will have many more seasons of this show to come (I bought up to season six)

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